Registration for ACS Pre-conference Symposium

  • Event Name: ACRE-SAHR@ISHR-NAS 2024
  • Venue: The Seaview Rooms ABC, Hyatt Regency Long Beach, 200 South Pine Ave., Long Beach, CA, 90802.
  • Location: Long Beach, CA
  • Date and Time: August 19, from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM. The scientific program will run from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM, followed by a social and dinner from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Registration Fee: $50 per person (Dinner is included)
  • Organization Selection: ACRE or SAHR
  • Abstract Submission Limit: 1950 characters
  • Submission Deadline: July 12

Registration/Submission Form

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ACRE-CAAC Joint Seminar

Session 2/14/2024

About ACRE

The mission of the Academy of Cardiovascular Research Excellence (ACRE) is to promote the excellence and advancement of cardiovascular research and education and to facilitate academic exchanges and scientific interactions among its members. For these purposes, the ACRE engages in academic exchanges in the area of cardiovascular function, diseases, and drug discovery in the USA and around the world. It also sponsors cardiovascular research and education programs, workshops, symposia, annual scientific meetings, conferences and publications.

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